Saturday, April 04, 2009


I was half following the Google buying Twitter news for the past few days. I just couldn't understand why people are so crazy about Twitter. It's just somewhere that you can shout whatever things you want there and keep some followers and friends whom you might not know who the hell they are.

Google aquiring Twitter? hmm... let's rename it to Gwitter. I think Tgitter nicer. Maybe Twiiootler? Not saying it's going to be a hype for this. It's just business. Just money that Google is after for. Jem was right, Google is a rubbish collector. They want to collect every single 'cool' and 'in' thing that people are obsess with. They developed stuff which is not really useful but pay a bunch of engineers to build it but doesn't pay enough for the marketeers to spread it. *LMAO* I get it when they retrench so much of their marketeers. *ESL*
Wonder why there isn't any hu-ha news when google purchasing some stuff sometime ago? Picasa?

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